Field Service Optimization Solutions

Explore our field service optimization solutions to streamline operations, enhance service delivery, and drive efficiency for your organization.

We connect enterprises, service providers and end-consumers through one platform centralizing all service interactions. We give field service organizations real-time visibility and control across all field operations to delight their customers at scale.


Capture and manage prospects / sales leads

- Generate custom lead forms to capture valuable business oportunities on all channels
- Automatically differentiate qualified from unqualified leads based on form responses, even generate automatic service appointments for specific sets of answers
- Assign prospects to contractors or internal personnel to delegate commercial responsibilities until customer purchases
- Track all the tasks and touch points with a prospect from initial manifestation of interest to calls, quotes, and service executions
- Extract valuable insight from reports on lead conversion funnel and employee/contractor performance and more

Enable direct selling of services on online and offline channels

- Establish custom service catalog and offer direct sales on online and offline channels
- Minimize purchase process abandon rates offering immediate scheduling options
- Enable clients to book in-store consultations/services with agents, providers and advisors
- Integrate product catalog with service catalog (specific services associated to products and vice-versa)
- Offer product + service bundles
- Schedule and execute special promotions on service offering
- Offer, track execute and monetize extended warranty programs
- Minimize returns and product loss securing installation and maintenance from qualified contractors on your network

Launch / Complement marketplace models with value add in service offering

- Integrate service offering to e-commerce and marketplace businesses models with Sodtrack as a single agregator/integrator of service providers
- Offer services with the added value of immediate schedulling, end to end notificatons from purchase to execution and closing, and more

Enhance your brand loyalty and value proposition with effective and seamless service offering

- Enhace your value proposition with effective and seamless service offering
- Inspire customer loyalty and increase revenue through unforgettable service experiences
- Clear differentiations vs competitors focused on end consumer
- Realtime customer feedback
- Increase NPS and customer satisfaction scores
- Organize customer data, and service bookings history efficiently
- Provide a consistent and trackable customer experience with real-time notifications and a branded customer portal

Professionalize contractor acquisition and onboarding at scale

- Curate and onboard service providers whether inhouse, third parties or gig economy models

Optimize contractor coverage in your desired areas of operation

- Deep understanding of network coverage with supply and demand geospatial analytics

Leverage data for contractor performance management

- Actionable metrics for complete insight into the performance of contractors
- Set up incentives for to recognize contractor performance whilst securing memorable service experiences for clients
- Negotiation levers to optimize contractor terms

Standardize and align your incident reporting with your customer service department

- Standardize and customize incident reporting from all usersv
- Keep track of tasks done to solve each incident reported
- Assign specific responsibilities to contractors and inhouse team
- Integrate with ticket management systems

Realtime dashboards and alerts to enable continous improvement and process optimization

- Use reports and dashboards to get a bird’s eye view of business performance
- Real-time display of each service/project status
- Review and approve jobs based on real evidence from standard workflows all consolidated in one digital place
- Minimize product returns and product loss securing installation and maintenance from qualified contractors on your network
- Organize customer and product data efficiently
- Full access to data for customized reporting and analysis
- Set up dashboards and alerts

Leverage technology to eliminate the intricacies of scheduling making use of self management functionalities

- Automate customer service with self service functionalities on schedulling and reschedulling
- Three scheduling mechanisms based on dynamic agendas (Client self-scheduling, by sales/operations, by contractor)
- Streamline work/service order management from getting requests and sending estimates to scheduling service appointments
- Set-up custom and real-time alerts and notifications

Settle contractor payables & automate contractor payments

- Automate contractor settlements based on jobs executed and approved
- Process contractor payments through one platform
- Support both marketplace and buy-and-sale models

Centralize demand for all work/service orders on one platform

- Centralize all work/service orders on one consolidated platform
- Accept and reject incoming service/project order requests and assign to individual contractors in your network
- Receive qualified leads (prospect clients) to convert into sales and service/project opportunities
- Lever the power of larger enterprise brands for demand generation, reducing the dependency and the resources required to build your own job pipeline
- Get recognized for performance with priority on assigning and dispatching algorithms

Mobile and desktop toolset for delivering service to customers

- Place replacement orders
- Place order for parts
- Use reports and dashboards to get a bird’s eye view of business performance
- Real-time display of each service/project status
- Streamline work/service order management from getting requests and sending estimates to scheduling service appointments
- Review and approve jobs based on real evidence from standard workflows all consolidated in one digital place

Optimize routing for individual technicians

- Route optimization capabilities
- Deep understanding of network coverage with supply and demand geospatial analytics

Focus on executing jobs not scheduling and rescheduling agendas with analog tools

- Guardrails in place to secure service appointment is scheduled once products have been delivered
- Reduce client no shows

Track real execution times and optimize terms with companies outsourcing service execution

- Actionable metrics for complete insight into the performance of contractors
- Keep track of real execution times as an key input for negotiating prices with demand generation companies

Review & approve jobs based on real evidence from standard workflows consolidated in one

- Full access to data for customized reporting and analysis
- Set up dashboards and alerts

Automate onboarding of qualified service providers and streamline pay-ins and pay-outs

- Curate and onboard service providers whether inhouse, third parties or gig economy models
- Actionable metrics for complete insight into the performance of contractors
- Automate contractor settlements based on jobs executed and approved
- Automate contractor settlements based on jobs executed and approved

Stay informed with realtime notifications along the journey

- Receive clear information and notifications along the journey

Schedule service appointments based on real time availability and preferrences

- Schedule service appointments based on real time availability and preferences

Purchase products plus associated services in a single instance and unified experience

- Access full product + installation / set-up bundles in one place free of frictions

Premium presented by fully engaged and satisfied customers in share of wallet, profitability, revenue and relationship growth over the average customer.

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